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Helpful Advice
Q: How long should my hair be?
A: 1/4in or grain a rice



Q: What do I need to do to prepare for my wax?
A: Exfoilate the day of your appointment. Also some clients said taking ibuprofen 30 mins before has helped them.
Q: Can I get waxed while pregnant or during that time of the month? 
A: Yes, however you will be more sensitive.
Q: What if I'm taking medication or have allergies?
A: If you’re taking any medication or have allergies, please let me know immediately. Taking antibiotics or topical acne medicines (including Accutane, Differin, Retin A, prednisone or corticosteroids) may make skin more sensitive and susceptible to some skin lifting.
Q: What do I need to know after my wax?
A: Avoid working out, sex, hot tubs. Pretty much, anything that makes you sweat AVOID for 24 hours.
Q: How often should you get waxed? 
A: Every four weeks is recommended. However some people get waxed every three week and some come every six weeks depending on your hair growth.
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